Legal & Administrative Dictionary

कानूनी तथा प्रशासकीय शब्दसागर / Legal & Administrative Dictionary
With Nepali and English dictionary, we have planned that legal and administrative dictionary is important for those who are interested in this field. In this dictionary the Pocket dictionary of legal is free. This dictionary is mainly used for those who were involve in law and those students who were interested in law. Page:- 724. Size:- half of A4. Price:- 460/- Edition:- 1st. Editor:- Vinaya Kumar. Sharma Nepal / Dr. Bishwadeep Adhikari.
नेपाली अंग्रेजीका माध्यमबाट प्राविधिक शब्दकोशहरुको निर्माण पनि ह’न जरुरी छ भन्ने विचार राखेर तयार गरिएको कानूनी तथा प्रशासकीय शब्दसागरमा कानून व्यवसायीहरुलाई विशेष ध्यानमा राखेर कार्यक्षेत्रमा जाँदा सजिलो होस् भन्ने उद्देश्यले पकेट शब्दकोश फ्री दिइएको छ पृष्ठः- ७२४ । साइजः- ए फोर । संस्करणः- पहिलो । मूल्यः- ४६०/- संपादकः विनयकुमार शर्मा नेपाल । डा। विश्वदीप अधिकारी ।

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